VOTE in the 2025 Trekcast Star Trek Awards

unpredictable for a reason
This is not your typical Star Trek Podcast. Its not even a typical podcast really. The show is put together by three guys who really love Star Trek. Nothing is scripted, we just sit down and discuss current shows, news, events and topics. Sometimes we talk about other stuff, these are called Dangents, not to be confused with tangents. Other times we spend about 20 minutes explaining how wrong Chad is. But I digress, have a listen and leave us some feedback. We are always working to improve the show and thats not possible with out you!
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TrekCast was the original creation of David Ivy and long time host Daren Benjamin way back in 2008. While the show has been running continuously since then, there have been some gaps. At the End of 2017 three fans approached David about rebooting the show. Hence TrekCastTNG as the show is sometimes referred to.
Daniel Reyes
Along ago time in a time of magic and wonder, a child was born unto this world. Nay, he was unleashed, in accordance with the prophecy. This child grew strong in the skills of random trivia, sarcastic jokes and a taste for spicy foods. He has faced many adversaries in his time, including his greatest, a tiny beast known only as “a corgi”. The child has much left to fulfill and his reign of power shall soon begin, but until then he talks about Star Trek on TrekCast. This child is named, Daniel.
Dan Lombardo
Dan Lombardo lives in upstate New York.
He is a lifelong Trekkie and was a longtime listener of the original Trekcast podcast. He was a frequent visitor to Star Trek: The Experience even going so far as to remarry his wife on the bridge of the Enterprise D after only two weeks of marriage.
Dan enjoys Science Fiction, shooting sports, and collecting vintage toys.
Scott Bouters
I am Scott, son of Richard. Husband to the glorious Desirée. Father of two boys. Minister, ordained. A veteran of the American Army. Rider of Harleys. Pakled reviewer. Podcast host. I BRING GLORY TO TREKCAST!